Guide to Indianapolis Tree Service Costs

How Much Do Tree Services Cost in Indianapolis?

The proper maintenance for trees and shrubs requires regular trimming, pruning and cutting. Some homeowners opt to do this on their own, and others choose to hire a licensed, insured and bonded tree service company for these routine tasks. We’ve listed the prices for tree maintenance and tree or stump removal in Indianapolis below.

Average Price to Trim or Remove Trees & Shrubs in Indianapolis

How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?

On average, tree removal costs Indianapolis residents between $402 and $568.  The higher-end costs typically occur with tall trees and those with a lot of foliage. Some species also have complex branch patterns that can become intertwined with power lines or reach your home, requiring pruning ahead of time. The lower end accounts for trees with thin trunks or short heights. On average, residents will pay $485 to have the tree removed.

How Much Does Stump Removal Cost?

The cost for stump grinding ranges from $75 to $150 per stump in Indianapolis. This is because the stump will remain in the ground, but it will close enough and flat enough on the ground that a lawnmower will be able to go over it, and grass will able to grow. It will seem as though the stump isn’t even there. Comparatively, removing a stump in Indianapolis will cost between $250 and $300, since it will take uprooting the stump from the ground entirely and hauling it away.

Average Cost of Tree Maintenance in Indianapolis

Tree trimming, pruning and cutting in Indianapolis will cost between $240 and $348. Costs can be on the high end if the tree is close to power lines. Some species also have complex branch patterns that are difficult to reach. Depending on the species and individual circumstances, costs will vary. On average though, it will cost residents $294.

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