Tree & Stump Removal Services in San Jose

How Much Do Tree Services Cost in San Jose?

San Jose, California residents have been caring for trees near their properties since 1951 as part of the city municipality code. That’s why it is so important to be aware of what the average prices are for trimming, cutting, pruning, and removal when needed of stumps and trees. Residents ought to know what goes into keeping the trees alive near them and the ones they own for budgeting and responsibility purposes.

San Jose Average Price to Trim or Remove Trees & Shrubs

How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?

Tree removal in San Jose costs $742 on average, depending on the size and complexity of the removal job. The arborist will come out and perform a quote, inspecting the tree’s height, circumference and what will go into removing it. If there’s a possibility it could be too close to power lines or the home, the price might rise. On the other hand, if it’s a thin tree or won’t take long to chop down, the price could lower. The price range in those cases is between $607 and $877.

How Much Does Stump Removal Cost?

Stump removal, after the fact or as a separate project, will cost San Jose residents between $300 and $350, depending on the circumference of the trunk and the complexity going into removing it. The tree service specialist might try to uproot it completely and haul it away. Otherwise they will grind it down into wood chips and possibly leave part of it in the ground, low enough for grass to grow over it. They will discuss the options with you. Either way, the project shouldn’t take more than a day.

Average Cost of Tree Maintenance in San Jose

Tree trimming, pruning and cutting of trees in the San Jose area will cost between $705 and $957, depending on the state of the trees when the arborist first comes out to do the job and the number of trees that need work. The average price is going to be around $831, and the price could rise or drop in subsequent jobs depending on the frequency of appointments.

San Jose Tree Facts & FAQ

According to a study released in April 2013, only 15.4 percent of San Jose is currently covered in trees. While this is a success over San Francisco, there’s still room for over two million trees on public and private property. Learn more about what goes into tree planting and survival in the San Jose area and then see about increasing that number.

Rules and Regulations

San Jose requires a permit for tree removal on private property if the tree is an ordinance tree: a trunk circumference of 56 inches or greater measured at two feet above ground. The exception is if the tree is an unsuitable tree. This means it’s five feet or closer to a house or utility or of a species including eucalyptus, liquidambar, palm, pine, tree of heaven, and tulip. Sidewalk trees that residents may be responsible for can only be removed by the Department of Transportation.

The best time to remove a tree in San Jose is in the winter. The trees have slowed their growth enough by this point that heavy pruning and removal will be more effective than during the spring and summer.

Common Trees to Plant in San Jose


While no tree in San Jose makes up more than nine percent of the total tree population in the city, there are some trees that are more common and thrive better in the environment than others. These recommended trees for residents include:

  • Valley oak (Quercus lobata)
  • California black walnut (Juglans californica)
  • Coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens)
  • Beefwoods (Grevillea striata)
  • Coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia)

The California state trees, the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), aren’t generally found in home settings, although younger versions of these giant, ancient growths make nice bonsai trees and garden mini-planters.

The temperate climate in San Jose means that just about any kind of fruit tree can grow in it, provided that they don’t need colder or extreme warm climates to grow. Citrus fruits enjoy the weather San Jose provides. Pears, peaches, and pomegranates are another three “P” fruit trees that thrive in the San Jose climate. Apples, grapes and apricots will also thrive in the soil makeup of the city.

LiquidambarDifficult to Maintain Trees

As mentioned, eucalyptus, liquidambar, palm, pine, tree of heaven, and tulip trees are specified as unsuitable trees in San Jose. Some of them are invasive species, while others cannot handle the wind and storm seasons that blow through the valley. It’s best to not try and grow them from seedlings if you’re considering them and replace the ones already in your garden with alternative natives that handle the weather patterns better.

Diseases Affecting San Jose’s Trees

San Jose scale insects, so named after the city, are a major problem. Sometimes people don’t recognize they’re a problem because they’re so slow as to appear a part of the tree, but they need to be taken care of immediately. These slug-like creates can stunt growth and kill trees eventually by sucking the plant sap to death. Anthracnose is another disease to be aware of in San Jose trees, a fungal infection that starts on the leaves of trees but with time can get underneath the tree into its vessel and kill the tree. If either of these problems start to appear on your trees in San Jose, you need to call an arborist immediately to come and handle the problem.

Rules Regarding Trees and Overhead Power Lines

PG&E, California’s utility company, requires that trees be planted at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines. They regularly inspects vegetation around their power lines and prunes them as needed. If residents do hire someone to prune trees near power lines, the company recommends that those tree service professionals be well-versed in electrical safety, or else their workers and the resident could be injured.

Plant Hardiness Zones for Northern California

Here are the plant hardiness zones for Northern California as provided by the USDA:

Northern california plant hardiness
Image Sources:

Local Tree Services in San Jose


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