How & When to Prune an Oak Tree

Live oak
Oak trees can be pruned at different levels of maturity, and the simpler tasks can easily be accomplished by a home or property owner. Major pruning for large or upper branches might be better left to an expert tree company or arborist, however, as those jobs require specialized equipment and experience in tree climbing.

Oak Trimming Tools

  • Hardhat
  • Safety goggles or glasses
  • Pruning shears
  • Lopping shears
  • Limb saw or buck saw
  • Pole pruner
  • Rope saw
  • Chainsaw and appropriate safety equipment, for homeowners who know how to use this tool properly
  • Non-asphalt pruning sealant or exterior latex paint

The hardhat and goggles will protect the head and eyes from falling debris. The different sized cutting tools are to be used depending on the size branch to be pruned. For example, the limb saw, which has no moving parts, is good for smaller branches.

Basic Oak Pruning

Thinning includes the removal of dead branches and clusters of dead leaves and twigs. Crossed or rubbing branches should also be removed. This gives the tree more light and air circulation while keeping the weaker branches from absorbing nutrients better used by the healthy portions of the tree.

Crown raising, especially when there are several oak trees in a grove, can best be described as creating a park-like area that can be walked through or driven under. Lower limbs are removed up to 8 feet, clearing out the area all around the lower portion of the tree. If the tree is less than 24 feet, crown raising to one-third of the total height is appropriate. This is also important for fire clearance.

Cutting limbs and branches to make the tree smaller is known as reducing. This may be necessary around power lines or over the house near a chimney. Very young oaks can be grown in these areas as long as annual pruning takes place, cutting the tree to the desired shape.

Cutting and Sealing Oaks

Branches should be cut about 3 inches from the intersection with another larger branch. Start cutting from under the branch and cut one-third of the way through. Then get as close as possible to the other branch and make a clean cut, but be careful not to cut into the remaining branch. Use caution with larger branches as their weight can break them off and leave a jagged edge.

It is important to seal the wounds in oak trees because they are susceptible to disease and attacks from damaging insects. Use a non-asphalt sealant specially formulated for pruning. Latex paint can also be used.

Timing is Important

Pruning of oak trees is best done in the winter months between November and April. This will help to prevent the dreaded oak wilt disease, a systemic problem that is very difficult to stop once it has taken hold. Oak wilt occurs when the tree is most vulnerable in its growth season. It is spread by insects that carry the fungal disease and enter wound sites in the bark. If the tree must be trimmed or is damaged during the growth season, gardeners should dress the wounds with protective sealant immediately.

When to Call a Professional

Ladders should not be used for tree trimming. For very large trees or branches located near power sources or that are beyond reach of basic pruning equipment, homeowners should call a tree service for an estimate. If the budget doesn’t allow for the complete job to be hired out, homeowners can ask the professionals to do the most difficult portions and do the cleanup and smaller tasks themselves.

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