Tree Climbing Safety Tips

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
Tree climbing has been a popular pastime for children and adults for generations. As a recreational and functional sport, it employs several techniques that closely resemble rock climbing and caving. This makes it a risky venture for the inexperienced climber. Tree climbers use a variety of tools and equipment to ensure their safety, including a rope, helmet, and harness. Seasoned climbers may choose to bring other implements, such as tree canopies and “treeboats,” to further enhance their vertical adventure. Tree climbing has also become an important activity for many environmentalists, including arborists, activists, animal rescue and research personnel. As a result, it is common to find tree climbers with a profound respect for the trees and the creatures within them.

One of the most important rules of tree climbing safety revolves around the rope. In fact, veteran tree climbers recommend always staying on the rope while climbing. Tree climbers who dare to take a few seconds off the rope to maneuver around obstacles may endanger their lives. It only takes a few seconds to lose one’s footing to high winds or to an unfriendly animal; therefore, it is imperative to always stay on the rope. Never adopt the “it will never happen to me” mentality. The rope literally keeps climbers alive. Be very careful and ensure that you never use the rope haphazardly, especially around power lines. One slight touch to a power line will electrocute careless climbers in a heartbeat. Conduct an area-wide survey to ensure no power lines are around the climbing tree. Keep children away at all costs.

Inspect a tree before climbing it. If a tree looks suspicious due to weakness, damage, or other obvious signs of danger, then the tree should not be climbed. Tree climbers should also pay attention to signs of inclement weather. Get out of a tree and take shelter immediately after hearing the sound of thunder. The same rule applies for ice storms. Beginners should not attempt to climb during freezing cold, snowy, and exceedingly hot days. In fact, they should seek training from a qualified instructor who can show them the ropes. Tree climbing courses will provide guidance on the proper equipment and techniques to employ while climbing. Instructors target a student’s strengths and weaknesses to help turn him or her into a proficient climber.

Tree climbers use a variety of equipment to help protect themselves, the trees, and the creatures that live within them. The helmet ranks number two on the list of important pieces of equipment for tree climbers. A helmet protects the climber from falling branches and other debris. Every climber should wear a helmet, regardless of their experience. Never wear leg spikes while climbing trees. Leg spikes cause damage to the tree by leaving it open to attack by viruses, bacteria, fungus, and insects. In some cases, the punctures left by leg spikes may cause the death of a tree directly. Professional climbers should only use leg spikes when removing a tree. Use a branch saver to protect the tree from cuts left by a moving rope. A harness will increase control over the rope while climbing to avoid injury and damage to the tree. Avoid using handsaws to trim dead branches and other obstacles. A handsaw can sever the rope by accident.

Consider the entire tree population and old-growth trees before climbing them. Some tree populations have grown for hundreds of years. One thoughtless bump into a tree can change the face of a one-hundred year old tree. The same rule applies to nests and nesting animals. Trees provide a natural habitat for many animals. Climbers who accidentally knock down a nest could find themselves fending off angry birds. Avoid trampling on certain ground cover or moss mats in certain trees. True tree climbing enthusiasts preserve the distinct tree paths they climb for future visits.


Need help cleaning up trees for climbing? Find a tree and branch trimming and cutting services in the following major cities:

Tree Services in the U.S.

Albuquerque Tree Trimming Service
Arlington, TX Tree Trimming Service
Atlanta Tree Trimming Service
Austin, TX Tree Trimming Service
Boston, MA Tree Trimming Service
Charlotte, NC Tree Trimming Service
Chicago, IL Tree Trimming Service
Cleveland, OH Tree Trimming Service
Colorado Springs Tree Trimming Service
Columbus, OH Tree Trimming Service

Dallax, TX Tree Trimming Service
Denver Tree Trimming Service
Fort Worth, TX Tree Trimming Service
Fresno, CA Tree Trimming Service
Houston, TX Tree Trimming Service

Indianapolis Tree Trimming Service
Kansas City Tree Trimming Service
Las Vegas Tree Trimming Service
Los Angeles Tree Trimming Service
Louisville Tree Trimming Service
Milwaukee Tree Trimming Service
Nashville Tree Trimming Service
Oklahoma City Tree Trimming Service
Omaha Tree Trimming Service

Philadelphia Tree Trimming Service
Phoenix Tree Trimming Service
Portland Tree Trimming Service
Raleigh, NC Tree Trimming Service
Sacramento Tree Trimming Service
San Diego Tree Trimming Service
San Jose Tree Trimming Service
San Francisco Tree Trimming Service
Tulsa Tree Trimming Service
Wichita Tree Trimming Service

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